Learn to Brew was founded by a professional brewer. Our vision is to provide the products, the information, and know how needed for home brewers and wine makers of all levels to produce great tasting, craft brewed beer or wine from home that is sure to satisfy the taste buds. Learn to brew accomplishes this with unique, high quality video instruction and hands-on-class instruction that is informative and easy to follow, leaving brewers with the confidence and knowledge needed to make great beer. With an impressive selection of materials, Learn To Brew is your first choice among forms of brewing and wine making instructions and is a respected, reliable resource for beer brewing and wine making information and equipment. Our blending of experience, ingenuity and technology has helped us create strong solutions for brewing at home.
Learn To Brew also carries a wide range of brewing equipment, wine making equipment, beer and wine ingredient kits, malts, hops, yeast, brewing additives, DIY parts, a free beer recipe computer program, kegerator parts, and kegerator equipment. If we don't have what you want on our site, let us know and we'll get it for you and at a great price too.
We look forward to helping you meet the challenges and make the most of your brewing and wine making experiences. If you ever have a question about brewing, feel free to drop us a line anytime at learntobrewmoore@gmail.com.